Saturday, April 5th --

$ 40.00

With Bibi Lorenzetti


  Learn how to use food and the chakra system to heal your body. You'll step away with a satisfied belly, and new awareness of how to use cooking as a tool to create balance in your body and foster a healthy relationship to it.

  • Each class will include:
        -how to prepare a chakra balancing meal one or more (each class will focus on 2 chakras)
          - the specifics of color in food and how to use it in relationship to your chakras
           - the nutritional information and benefits of the foods you will be using
           - yoga and breathing exercises to stimulate the chakras
Plus insights on:
  •  - Gentle detox practices
  • - Intuitive Eating techniques

$40 per session
Bibi Lorenzetti is a certified Holistic Health Coach and Yoga Teacher.  She runs cooking classes, workshops, cleanses and retreats through her business Awake Health.
She teaches Ashtanga Vinyasa at The Shala Yoga house in Manhattan and Brooklyn. 
For more on Bibi please visit her at