Sunday, March 23rd – The Heart, Abundance & Manifestation with Grace Vieira

$ 88.00


with Grace Vieira, visiting healer from LA

Manifestation occurs the Heart, not through the brain.

In this workshop Grace will explain the secrets that have kept us enslaved in our experience and guide you in inquiring, listening and experiencing your heart as the connection to miracles, manifestation, and Source.

In the world of the mind there is always a polarized opposite: where there’s beautiful there’s ugly. Many lives have polarization in them—a great business but awful family life. By entering our heart, our connection to Spirit, we shift into a new blueprint of energy that is united.

Changes are occurring on our planet to assist us in this movement from mind to heart. We are being invited to move completely into our heart. Secrets of who we really are were taken away from us because the paradigm didn’t honor the heart, it was stuck in the mind.

Now Godhead, the great spirit, is our guide. There is no longer any separation of religion. The only separation existed in the mind. As we reconnect to the Heart we begin to manifest our true inner abundance in the outside world.


Grace Vieira is known as an international healer, medium, teacher and the Founder of Truth, Light & Love, a spiritual enlightenment company based in Santa Monica, CA.

Grace has guided numerous people into making dramatic changes in their lives through her revolutionary new method “Grace Graca” which means “Embraces All”.


Her modality is based on her own life transformation and also incorporates powerful influences from all philosophies, faiths, and teachings from all the great leaders, saints, spiritualists, elders, sages and guided spirits. Grace serves as a vessel of Truth, Light and Love and guides her clients through their transformation, and gives them the tools they need to be the best they can be and achieve their highest potential. Grace works one-on-one with clients and also travels across the country doing workshops, seminars, events and public speaking.


Grace began her journey as a child in Algarve, Portugal, blessed by the country side and the majestic waters of the Atlantic ocean. Bathing on the golden beaches of the coast of the Algarve, gave her the understanding, appreciation and the value, that life was to embrace the beauty of God’s creation, and the elements of Mother Earth. Her trust and faith was built from a foundation beyond humanity.


At an early age Grace began to exhibit “unique” and “special” gifts that only her mother under-stood. Her mother’s support, unconditional love, generosity and kindness nurtured Grace at this beginning stage of her spiritual development and aided her in the acceptance of something beyond this physical existence. As a child Grace made a very clear decision, that she was going to be powerful, courageous, wise, and strong just like her Dad, a giving man who was loved by his community. Growing up with these role models gave Grace great courage and strength that one can do it all.


Grace embraces all incarnations of spirit, including Buddhist, Catholic, Sufi, Judaism... all is one.


My journey continues as I am being called by spirit to follow the voice within my heart and The trust and Faith all I am is a vessel of God’s light, voice of love! view more on her website: