Kundalini Yoga

$ 15.00

with Gro Engelstoft

Tuesdays 7:30-9pm
Kundalini yoga – also known as the Yoga of Awareness –  is an ancient science with a history of several thousand years.  It was the yoga of the initiate, passed down from master to disciple only. In 1969 Yogi Bhajan brought the system to the US  and set up an open class structure.  He did so following a vision that instructed him the time had come, this yoga was needed for healing in the west and to be available to all.  In the 40+ years since, Kundalini yoga has spread to every part of the globe, with teacher trainings in more than 25 countries.

"Life is a lie if truth is not found. Truth is just an idea if it is not lived. It is living that matters."—Yogi Bhajan.

$15 a class, yoga mats and cushions are provided