May 10th & 11th -- Certified LAUGHTER YOGA LEADER Training

$ 295.00

Share Joy with the world…!

Investment: $275 includes 2 day training, Laughter Yoga Leadership Training Manual and Certificate.
Pre-register for $245

This training enriches health and fitness teachers, management professionals, medical professionals, massage therapists, yoga teachers, psychologists, social workers, eldercare workers, life coaches, complementary therapists, and anyone who wants to help themselves  add more laughter to their lives and the lives of others…

Bring more joy and levity into your life
Develop daily joy and laughter practices
Reduce Stress – Boost your immune system
Enjoy the therapeutic benefits of laughter
Learn to lead laughter clubs and events
Increase self confidence & happiness quotient
Form a new positive support network empowered by joy

Become a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader with this introductory 2 day course! Why leave laughter to chance? Learn everything you need to know about laughter yoga and its multi-faceted uses and applications (scientifically proven benefits, practiced by over 1 million people worldwide.

Laughing as a form of exercise is an easy yet tremendously powerful way to address physical, mental and emotional challenges as well as a most enjoyable way to improve inter-personal skills. Laughter is indeed the best medicine. Build a solid foundation for a safe, rewarding, and fruitful laughter yoga practice. No previous experienced is required. All you need to bring is a willingness to laugh.

As a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader,  you will learn how to facilitate  individual and group Laughter Yoga sessions, which combine yogic breathing, gentle stretching, childlike playfulness and simulated laughter exercises designed to stimulate a natural flow of spontaneous laughter. Learn to Laugh at Will & to feel Free to Laugh Anytime because you will be  Trained & Certified to lead others back to their center of Joy & Empowerment

5 Reasons to Laugh Even MORE!
1. Laughter strengthens and balances the immune, lymphatic, nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems, as well as the heart and brain.
2. Laughter naturally prevents and reduces the effects of depression.
3. Laughter releases the negative effects of stress from the body and mind and produces positive emotions, which then attract positive experiences.
4. Laughter is great aerobic exercise for all the muscles and organs in the body.
5. Laughter dissolves fear, anger, resentment and separation while stimulating creativity, compassion forgiveness, harmony, joy and love.

About your Teacher, Laksmi Keyes:   After 21 years of proficiently practicing various modalities in the Healing Arts profession, Laksmi Keyes formally trained by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of Laughter Yoga, to become a Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. Laksmi developed a full range of uniquely healing laughter exercises called THE ART OF JOY, which participants consistently find profoundly transformative and life-c hanging. Since 2005, Laksmi has been primarily volunteering in a healing center in South India. She comes to NYC regularly to offer her healing and teaching services.

For more info on Laksmi Keyes Laughter Yoga, Please visit:
"If we can make our own mind clear and bright, the world around us will soon follow suit." — Amma