March 8th & 9th -- Reiki 1 & 2 in Mazunte, Mexico

$ 150.00

Reiki 1 & 2 Retreat
in Mazunte Mexico
with Lisa Levine

Reiki 1 
March 8th, 2014

Reiki can be translated as Universal Life Energy.
A balancing, intelligent, harmonizing energy that heals on all levels:
the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual.
In this Reiki 1 workshop you will learn:
the Reiki History
the Reiki Principles
the hand placements for treating yourself and others
basics of healing work
& how to work with clients

You will receive the level one Reiki attunements that will be sealed in you for life. 

This is a fantastic tool for anyone who is interested in or is already involved in healing work. It is also a great tool for anyone who has contact with people: doctors, nurses, teachers, yoga instructors, friends and family.

Reiki 2
March 9th, 2014

In this class students will go deeper into their study of Reiki with the introduction of the Reiki symbols and mantras.
You will learn how to do long distance healing, absentee healing, and healing beyond time: working with the past, present and future.
Reiki Level 2 is also particularly effective in working with those wishing to break free of habitual patterns and addictive behaviors.
You will receive the Reiki 2 attunement that will be sealed in you for life.

There will be time spent practicing different techniques utilizing the Reiki symbols and mantras.

Lunch is included. Transportation, accommodation and airfare are not included.

Lisa Levine began her Reiki studies in Oaxaca in 2005. She completed her Reiki Masters in 2008 and has been teaching since 2009. She is so excited to bring the circle round again with the offerings of these courses in her spiritual home of Mexico.