Saturday April 19th -- Radical Radiant Right Now SPRING

$ 40.00


with Tamika Rivera

A healing circle for essence awakening, spirit animals, guide work, energy blockage removal, energy balancing, clearing, and lots of laughter.
Join the Radical Journey to a peaceful life..!

Leave with tools to  get through many daily challenges. This group session will fill your heart with light and keep you grounded in this world.

"The shifts are too strong to ignore  We are really being challenged to be who we are right now ..our Truth ... forgiveness

Our power... Let's get together and be the light we want to see in the world... The tools I have gathered over the years have helped so much in times like this and I feel it is time to share them,to enjoy laughter,movement ,divine

love by connecting to the elements,your spirit animals ,ancestors ,guides, and ground in the right here now. The workshop is open to  everyone!! We all need support come receive and give the gift of your presence
I look so forward to sharing in your light!!"
Please wear comfortable clothing

Feel free to bring whatever you like for the alter; anything you would like blessed to take home for your alter. (crystals, pictures, stones etc)

Suggested donation $25-$55

About Tamika