Saturday, May 17th--
Voice Journey

$ 20.00


Whether you believe you “can’t carry a tune” or you identify as an experienced singer, you may –as many of us do– long to expand your vocal abilities, free yourself from the fears surrounding creative expression, and allow your voice to become a resounding instrument of your truth.  Developing a regular vocal practice is one of the most physically, mentally, emotionally, & energetically nourishing things you can do for yourself.  The effects of a regular practice flow into your daily your life, allowing for less stress, greater sense of well-being, and empowered creative expression.  Voice Journey guides you through an exploration of the vocal techniques from all over the world — including Classical Indian, Tibetan, Afro-Diasporan, and North and South American indigenous traditions – as well as contemporary sound healing practices and musical forms.  *No singing experience necessary.  Come join us! 


Stephanie Rooker is a composer, vocalist, cross-cultural music educator, and sound healing facilitator.  With a background in Ethnomusicology, Stephanie employs a distinctive grasp of the evolution of Afro-Diasporan music, cross-cultural indigenous archetypes, incisive listening, and mindful facilitation to bridge the gap between sacred and secular forms and demonstrate the vast possibilities of broadening cultural awareness and promoting healing through music.  Stephanie is certified as an Integrative Sound & Music Practitioner by the Sound & Music Institute in New York, an organization which she now assists with program coordination. She also completed a 200-hour practitioner certification in Yoga of the Voice, as developed by Silvia Nakkach/Vox Mundi School.  In addition, Stephanie recently founded Voice Journey Sound Center, which offers a diverse array of vocal sound healing workshops, private lessons, training programs, community gatherings and sound healing services for the furthering of musical paths and enrichment of the holistic sonic experience.