Sound Healing

$ 0.00

Sound is omnipresent. Think about it. There is sound around you constantly. Even if it were possible to escape the sound surrounding you (perhaps through a rare encounter with a sensory deprivation chamber), you would find that sound within you is also ongoing. Your body orchestrates polyrhythms of heart-rate & breath-rate & cell division as the information superhighway of your nervous system hums with constant neuro-transmission. The interplay of the outer sounds we receive and the synchronistic inner symphony of our bodies creates the soundtrack to our lives.


The definition of sound healing is:  any intentional use of sound for the purpose of causing therapeutic or restorative effects.


The fundamental concept of sound healing is based upon the fact that vibrations can be amplified, dampened, shifted, and completely transformed by other vibrations. The “intentional use” of sound can shift internal vibrations in the body to create conditions that promote healing.  This can include kicking back & listening to your favorite song as well as drumming or chanting or singing or using singing bowls or songwriting or even just making sounds to “get out” certain feelings (i.e. “ow!” “ooh” “uhhhhhh” “hmmmm” “hahahahaha!”). The reason the field of sound healing is so broad is that sound is so effective in influencing our systems that nearly any sound –in the right context, for the right person— can be experienced as “healing.” 


As simple as the concept may seem on the surface, the why’s & where’s & how’s of the effects of sound on us are quite complex. More & more studies are showing the profound and multi-layered effects that sound can have on our bodies, our brains, and our overall states of being. Because the practice of sound healing works integratively on physical, emotional, psychological as well as more subtle levels, it is an extremely efficient & effective approach to promote healing for conditions of any nature.


    Cancellation Policy 

    The cancellation fee for missed appointments and appointments cancelled within 24 hours is $50.