Sunday, May 18th -- Advanced Flower Essences

$ 45.00

Integrate flower essences into your holistic practice
Flower essences are a powerful tool in vibrational medicine that use the living forces of nature to align our life energy with healthy growth and development. Flower essences are used to address profound issues of emotional well-being, helping us to clear mental blocks, release stuck emotions and move consciously on our path of soul evolution.
In this advanced workshop, you'll learn practical tools for integrating flower essences into your holisitc work.  It is ideal for acupuncturists, therapists, body workers, energy healers, life coaches, yoga instructors, and other holisitc practitioners who are interested in introducing flower essences into their practice.  
We'll cover:
* the top 10 flower essences you should have in your practice and how to use them effectively
*How flower essences interact with the subtle body and with other holisitc therapies
* the scope of flower essence use in the US and abroad
* safety and legal considerations for flower essence use
* the relationship between flower essences and other plant remedies such as herbs, essential oils, and homeopathics