Sundays in January -- Elemental Alchemy: Awakening Your New Year

$ 35.00

A 3-Part Workshop with Lindsay Fauntelroy

How do you REALLY accomplish your New Year’s Resolutions?
We use the Yang energy to set our intentions, but it’s Yin energy that manifests our goals. In this 3-part course, you’ll learn how to harness the Sacred Feminine to achieve your goals, transform your life, and bring your intentions from resolution to reality!
January Sundays, 2:30- 5:30pm
January 12th
The Science of Change: Elements, Archetypes, and Inner Alchemy
January 19th
Into the Yin: Working with the Power of the Subconscious
January 26th
Manifesting Magic: Tools for Transformation
In this workshop, you will:
* Integrate the wisdom of Taoist philosophy, archetypal psychology, meditation, and behavior-change theory
* Break though unproductive habits, negative self-talk, and procrastination
* Identify and re-program the subconscious thoughts that stand in your way
* Balance Yin and Yang with concrete strategies for success and spiritual practices to sustain them
* Learn specific flower essences, essential oils, acupuncture points and meditations to
   facilitate major energetic shifts
$35 per workshop/ $75 for series      Online materials fee: $15
Note: Though it is recommended to attend all three workshops, it is not required
Lindsay Fauntleroy MS LAc MA is a licensed acupuncturist and certified flower essence therapist who is committed to facilitating lasting change and transformation in the lives of her patients . Lindsay was drawn to the healing arts after her own journey to fertility introduced her to the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit. She has been published in the International Journal of Flower Essences and was a recipient of a prestigious grant from the American Association of University Women (AAUW) for her work in women's holistic health. Lindsay has studied and practiced various forms of self cultivation—including meditation, yoga, the I Ching, and Qi Gong—for over a decade.

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