Saturday, January 11th– a New Year's Vision Collage Workshop with Judy Anne

$ 45.00

Manifesting Your Soul's Desires -- with Judy-Anne Payawal

January 11th, 2014 -- 1:00-5:30pm

It’s 2014 – a new year full of fresh potential!

What do you most want to experience and create in the next 12 months? 

This fun, creative collage workshop will help you set your intentions for the year ahead.

In our time together, you will: ~ Get clear on what you truly desire for your life ~ Create a sacred Vision Collage (also known as a Vision Board or Treasure Map) to focus and express your intentions to the Universe ~ Learn powerful techniques for accelerating the manifestation of your dreams

No prior experience with collage is necessary – just bring an open heart and willingness to play and explore! 

Please Bring: magazines to cut up for your collage.

(Posterboard, craft materials, and use of craft tools will be provided.)