Amma Satsang

$ 10.00

Last Saturday of the Month 6:30-8:30 with a vegetarian potluck to follow / Free and open to all

Satsang is a Sanskrit word, derived from sat meaning truth or absolute and sang is close to, or in communion with, or in the presence of. Therefore, satsang is – being in communion with the Supreme Truth, including being in the presence of the Mahatmas, listening to a spiritual talk or discussion, or participating in spiritual practices in a group setting. In the initial stages of Spirituality satsang is more beneficial than meditation. Satsang is also discussion or hearing of spiritual truths expressed by Self-Realized Masters.

Amma says, “Even though the breeze blows everywhere, coolness will be felt more if we sit in the shade of a tree. In the same way, although God is all pervading, His presence will clearly shine in certain places more than in others. Children, that is the greatness of satsang.”

For more information please contact Lisa: or 718.757.2758