Dharma Punx NYC & Brooklyn

$ 10.00

with Josh Korda

Mondays 7-8:30pm

Dharma Punx NYC and Brooklyn is an open, buddhist community of healthy, wise and compassionate people from every walk of life. The classes are taught by Josh Korda, who in each class leads a guided meditation and gives a talk on timeless buddhist strategies for relieving stress and suffering. There is also time set aside for questions about spiritual practice as well. We welcome people from all racial, economic, sexual, socio-political and religious backgrounds and preferences. The path of liberation from suffering is attainable by anyone willing to look within for a path out of anger, fear, compulsive cravings and confusion; freedom arises from establishing wisdom, empathy and inner peace.


Watch a brief CBS documentary on our group: http://shambhalasun.com/sunspace/?p=16321

Hear Josh's dharma talks, visit dharmapunxnyc.podbean.com