Flower Essence Therapy

$ 0.00

Flower essences are used as a vibrational “tuning fork” to help unblock the patterns that may stand in the way of optimal health, strong relationships, and the realization of your goals. Flower essence therapy is the process through which the benevolent energies of plants are used to address:

Mental Blocks: Flower essences can be used for issues related to thinking, studying, learning, memory, and all of the functions of our busy little brains. This includes support for focus, concentration, clear communication, negative thinking, repetitive or obsessive thoughts, “monkey-mind” or the inability to still the mind, indecisiveness, hyper-critical tendencies, etc.

Unresolved Emotions: The goal of flower essence therapy is not to numb our emotions. Instead, they help us clarify unconscious emotions that are driving our behaviors, to gain perspective, and to use emotions as vehicles for change and transformation. Common emotions addressed through flower essence therapy include fear, anger, jealousy, worry, anxiety, stress, overwhelm, resentment, grief, etc.

Soul Evolution: Areas of soul evolution are the ways of being though which our experience is filtered. They become life lessons and themes that reoccur in many aspects of our lives. Examples of areas of soul evolution include issues surrounding trust, control, abandonment, unresolved trauma, creative or sexual expression, nurturing of self or others, confidence, asserting boundaries, maintaining integrity, achieving self-actualization, and transcending selfishness, jealousy, etc.


Cancellation Policy
The cancellation fee for missed appointments and appointments cancelled within 24 hours is $50.