Forgotten Language Herbs

$ 12.00

Forgotten Language Herbs, created by Tabitha, are passionate about bringing holistic healing from the earth into the everyday!

1 oz organic herbs in brandy, made in Brooklyn:

Astragalus root- works to increase your energy by helping optimize your digestive system’s assimilation of nutrients. The most powerful herbal immune tonic known!

Burdock- known as a blood purifier, beneficial in easing chronic skin issues, as well as working as a detoxifier.  Helpful in breaking up obstructions in your digestive and urinary systems as well as helping you break through obstacles in your life!

Echinacea- an anti microbial herb that stimulates white blood cells and is beneficial in supporting the immune system to ward off colds, infections, and flu.

Hawthorn- works to optimize the health of your circulatory system.  Regular use helps your body to normalize blood pressure and cholesterol. Eases chest tightness, feelings of anxiety & palpitations, and cold hands & feet.

Tulsi (Holy Basil)-  is rich in antioxidants and renowned for its restorative powers.  Regular use eases stress related conditions, improves digestion, normalizes blood sugar, and supports your lungs and liver.

Osha- a sacred and indispensable herb, helps to fight viral and bacterial infections, and is especially beneficial for bronchial and chest congestion and respiratory discomfort.