Friday, December 13th – Past Life Regression Through Yoga & Hypnosis

$ 35.00

7-9:30pm $35

with Dany Ryan & Gro Engelstoft

Through the combination of past life regression and Kundalini yoga, we will be releasing blocked energy by exploring the mind and experiencing how past life memories profoundly inform your present life. Fears, phobias, puzzling or confusing patterns, people who trigger us, etc. often have roots in the past and can be eased by looking at our lives differently and reconnecting to our selves in new ways. Regression therapy is a hypnosis-based technique that accesses the subconscious mind and allows us to bring to awareness spiritual information and experience. Kundalini yoga is known as the ‘Yoga of Awareness’ and utilizes highly specific breath and body techniques to induce an altered state of consciousness, fertilizing and opening the mind up to hypnotic guidance. Come join us for an adventure into your own past mind and eternal present.

Daniel Ryan has been working with hypnosis and past life regression since the age of 14. He received his undergraduate degree (BFA) from Emerson College where his research focused on literature, philosophy and sociology. He is board certified in hypnotherapy and regression therapy by the NGH, IBRT. He is a certified member of the European Association for Regression Therapy. He is a student and teacher’s assistant at the New York School of Practical Philosophy. In 2011 he co-founded the Center for Integrative Healing in Chatham, NJ. Daniel sees clients at The Center for Integrative Hypnosis in Manhattan and in Brooklyn at his home office.





Gro Engelstoft decided one afternoon at the age of 12 that reincarnation had to be real since soul recycling seemed to be the only sensible answer. She had her first spontaneous recall at 20 and has been living with past lives as a reality since. She is a certified kundalini yoga instructor and holds a certification in Voicing (soul-shamanic voice work), and is karmic astrologer. She has spent more than decade exploring soul-body-mind techniques such as Rolfing, Alexander technique, trancedancing/5Rythms, and the transformational and healing aspects of yoga and meditation.