Sound Body: Yoga & Sound Healing

$ 15.00

Wednesdays 7-8pm $15

with Sarah Capua and Stephanie Rooker

Sound Body Yoga is the union of yoga & sound healing.  Based on the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya, Sarah Capua’s yoga instruction combines physical postures, breathing practices, sound, and a strong focus to create a deep link between body and breath, giving each student space to have an individual experience. Inspired by the traditional sequences of the classical practice, movement is coordinated with breath in a thoughtful and connected practice, allowing the students to experience the function of the postures in a direct and transformational way.  Stephanie Rooker provides a container for the practice of cross-cultural musical accompaniment -- weaving a web of intuitive, improvisational sound to enhance the yogic teachings and envelop participants.  This collaboration creates a profoundly nourishing and centering practice for people in all levels of yogic experience.

Offered by:  

Sarah Capua

A devoted student of yoga, Sarah Capua practices in awe of these teachings. Dedicated to a tradition both practical and magical, yoga is for her a path of transformation, a foundation on which to build the health and life we hope for ourselves. Sarah's teaching has been informed by her initial training with Stacey Brass, her study of J. Krishnamurti, and her time at the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram and the Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre in India.  She holds a 500-hour certification in the tradition of T. Krishnamacharya through her teacher Danielle Tarantola.  She currently teaches in NYC and the Hudson Valley, specializing in designing personal practices for her clients, and is honored to have the opportunity to guide her students on their own path in this practice.


Stephanie Rooker

Stephanie Rooker is a composer, vocalist, cross-cultural music educator, and sound healing facilitator.  Rooker has distinguished herself as a force of soul on the NY music scene with her band The Search Engine, duo work with guitarist Ben Tyree, and freelance work with ensembles throughout the city including Riverside Church Inspirational Choir & Alvin Ailey Dance Company’s Revelations chorus.  She has released two albums of original music – Tellin You Right Now (2008) & The Only Way Out is In (2010).  With a background in Ethnomusicology, Stephanie employs a distinctive grasp of cross-cultural indigenous archetypes, incisive listening, and mindful facilitation to demonstrate the vast possibilities of promoting healing through music.  Stephanie is certified as an Integrative Sound & Music Practitioner by the Sound & Music Institute in New York, an organization which she now assists with program coordination.She has also completed a 200-hour practitioner certification in Yoga of the Voice, as developed by Silvia Nakkach/Vox Mundi School. In addition, Stephanie founded Voice Journey Sound Center, which offers a diverse array of vocal sound healing workshops, private lessons, training programs, community gatherings and sound healing services for the empowerment of the voice and enrichment of the holistic sonic experience.